I'm starting with motorists because they seem to annoy me more than any other group; probably because statistically there is a greater chance of me encountering this group than any other on the list. Here's the things they do that piss me off:
1. Using poxy, tiny, tiny, little side lights in rain, mist, dusk. Why don't they just put their headlights on so we can see them better?
2. Using their MASSIVE billion watt fog lights when it is slightly misty. I suspect this is mainly a statement saying "look at me, I may have a shit Corsa but I've got some cool fog lights that my mate Baz fitted" well they're not cool, they're just big lights dickhead!
3. People who don't understand that a bus/taxi lane that is timed, e.g. buses and taxis only between 7:30am and 9:30am can be used perfectly legally outside those hours. Main culprits - Taxi drivers!
4. Not indicating at roundabouts. It's really simple, if you approach a roundabout and you want to take the first left, indicate left - this will show any motorist waiting to exit the said junction that you are not a hazard and that he may enter the roundabout. If you don't indicate he has to wait until you have manoeuvred and that takes valuable time. If you approach a roundabout and want to go straight ahead don't indicate at all until you have passed the last junction before your exit then indicate left. If you want to go right, indicate right as you approach the roundabout and then change to indicating left when you have passed the last junction before your exit.
5. Driving too close to the car in front - MORON!
6. Retro fitting spoilers/alloys/stripes/tinted glass/stickers etc. etc. to cars, especially shitty little cars.
7. Tiny blonde women driving Tarquin and Henrietta to school in a giant 4x4 sport thing.
9. Personalised number plates. Oh why would you? Is your life so empty and boring that a highlight, on which you're prepared to spend money, is to have your registration plate letters the same as your initials? Or, even worse, similar to your name/initials. Ugh!
10. Stopping and waving me through when they have right of way and the act of waving me through has taken longer (and has created confusion and an otherwise non existent hazard) than if they had just carried on.
11. Sticking stickers on their rear windows consequently reducing their view.
12. Using their disabled badge as a way of parking, with immunity, in a dangerous place; cause an accident and someone may get hurt or even disabled! Tit!
13. Insisting on parking outside their own house even though it would be safer to park opposite with the rest of the neighbours just so they don't have to walk 5 more yards home.
14. People who flash to get past on a motorway when clearly you are part of a line of 1000 cars all doing 80mph
15. People who can't seem to understand that even though they are 3 cars back from the red traffic light that when it turns amber they can start getting ready to move forward. Instead they wait for the car infront to set off then look in their mirror, bring up the clutch to biting point, release their hand brake....... GET ON WITH IT!