I'm writing this because I find myself forever grumbling about stuff that annoys me and I'm sure it's getting on people's nerves, so, once it's blogged I'm not going to say it out loud.
Here's the list. (which I'm sure will be added to over the coming years). It's in no particular order, so if you're a dog owner please don't think I hate some of the things you/your dog does any more than I hate the things motorist or fat people do. Also don't think that just because you happen to be a fat person/motorist/dog owner that I hate you; I don't, I just hate certain aspects of what you do, I probably really like you. However if you fit into more than 10 of the categories I probably do hate you - sorry! (although I suspect you probably hate me too.)
Also, before I start, I need to explain that just because you see yourself on the list below that you will necessarily annoy me, for example, motorists per se don't annoy me, neither do dog owners or marketing/advertising executives, it's only certain aspects of what they may do that grate and they may not necessarily do them.
OK here goes.....
1. People who get two, to, too & there, their, they're mixed up/aren't aware that there is a difference.
2. Dog owners.
3. Fat people.
4. Motorists.
5. Cyclists.
6. Pedestrians.
7. Marketing/Advertising bods.
8. Hypocrites - Religious/vegetarian/moral/politicians.
9. Litter droppers.
10. Brand buyers.
11. Watches.
12. Thought for today/pause for thought.
13. Fashion.
14. The way Countryfile is formatted.
15. The way they show people being introduced to/the greeting with presenters on TV.
16. Cat owners.
17. Money wasting road schemes.
18. The matrix signs on motorways.
17. Off roaders.
18. Footballers.
19. "Creative" accounting.
20. The way people (especially Americans) go "whooop"
21.The way people (especially Americans) do "High Five" and punch their mate's fist with their fist as a greeting + any other newly created greeting.
22. The way people (especially Americans) mimic Hollywood in real life.
23. People who say: Skellington, Hospikal, Offov, Everythink (I will add to this as I hear them rather than start a new category each time)
24. Bottled Water.